What did you do on President’s Day, and which two US presidents’ birthdays are celebrated in February? Here are two hints.
- One could never tell a lie and chopped down a cherry tree….February 22nd is his actual birthday.
- The other was known as “honest” and once walked a long way to return a few cents to someone he had over charged. His birthday is on February 12th.
Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children hopes you had a great President’s Day! Share what you did with family and friends….Upload your photo, add a title, a message, and a mailing address and Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children will send it in the real mail right away!
For anyone wishing to know more about President’s Day, please take a look at http://kids.britannica.com/elementary/article-601127/Presidents-Day?#9601127.toc.
Furthermore, if you would like to know more about the Capital of the United States, please take a look here:
Remember Britannica and Britannica Online for Kids
are excellent resources for information.
Remember Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children when you need a postcard…more than just an ordinary postcard…virtually more than you can say on the back of the card!