Germany Celebrates “Unity Day”? Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children . . . .

Berlin is a really “special” place! – Berlin ist ein ganz besonderer Ort!

From 1961 until 1989, a 12-foot high, concrete wall ran through, as well as around, the city of Berlin.  The wall was called the “Berlin Wall”, and there were only a few places called “checkpoints” where people could get through.  One of the main checkpoint places was Checkpoint Charlie.

Checkpoint Charlie

The Berlin Wall was meant to keep the citizens of Berlin from moving about freely, but today the citizens of Berlin can move freely again!  They are free to do the things that they like to do once more, and this is really special for them!  Just think about how you feel when you are not allowed to do something that you really like to do?  It isn’t a lot of fun, is it?

Everyone is happy that Berliners are free to move and to do what they want once again!  In fact, there was a big celebration in front of the Brandenburg Gate to mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Lots of world leaders, citizens of Berlin and visitors from all over the world attended this celebration, and those who could not attend were able to watch it on television.  Maybe you even saw it yourself!  You would have liked the giant dominoes that reenacted the fall of the Berlin Wall!  Each one of the dominoes was individually painted, mostly by children of Berlin but also by artists from many countries around the world, to represent what the wall meant and its place in history.

Das Brandenburger Tor
The Brandenburg Gate


Berlin ist ein ganz besonderer Ort! – Berlin is a really “special” place!

Von 1961 bis 1989 ging eine 4 Meter hohe Mauer durch und um die Stadt Berlin. Sie
wurde die „Berliner Mauer“ genannt und hatte nur wenige Stellen, an denen man durch die Mauer kam. Diese Kontrollpunkte wurden „Checkpoints“ genannt. Einer der wichtigsten war Checkpoint Charlie.

Checkpoint Charlis

Die Mauer wurde gebaut, um die Bürger von Berlin an ihrer Reisefreiheit zu hindern, aber heute können sich die Bürger wieder frei bewegen. Sie können jetzt wieder .das tun, was sie möchten, und das ist wirklich etwas Besonderes für alle! Denk mal nach, wie du dich fühlen würdest, wenn dir nicht erlaubt wird, das zu tun, was du wirklich möchtest! Das wäre überhaupt nicht lustig, oder?

Alle freuen sich, dass die Berliner wieder frei reisen können und das wieder machen können, was sie möchten! In der Tat wurde eine riesige Feier zum 20. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls vor dem Brandenburger Tor veranstaltet. Viele Staatschefs, viele Berliner Bürger und Besucher aus der ganzen Welt haben an der Feier teilgenommen, und die, die nicht kommen konnten, konnten das Ereignis im Fernsehen verfolgen. Vielleicht hast du es selbst gesehen! Dir hätten sicherlich die Riesen-Dominosteine gefallen, mit denen der Fall der Mauer dargestellt wurde.  Jede dieser Steinplatten war anders bemalt, meist von Berliner Kindern, aber auch von Künstlern aus aller Welt, um die traurige Bedeutung
der Maurer in der Geschichte zu zeigen.

Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children invites you to learn more about Berlin, Germany, at!

Fun as well as educational . . . . Everyone wins when children learn more about the world around them!

About If you were here,

Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children can be sent as you would send any travel postcard, but there is more when you play the game . . . . Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children is a unique travel game which enables all players to learn more about the world around them, but it is first and foremost a children's learning game in which children not only become acquainted with other parts of the world, but also gain respect for other cultures in a fun and easygoing, carefree manner. It is Heckery Dekkery Dot's goal to help children learn about the city featured on the travel game postcard and the people who live there by providing them with an educational as well as a fun website. All photos on this blog were taken by me on my travels unless otherwise indicated.
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