Heckery Dekkery Dot Remembers 9/11.

The World Trade Center Towers were New York City’s tallest skyscrapers, but they were destroyed on September 11, 2001, when two airplanes flew into them.  Tragically, too many people lost loved ones, and too many people were injured.  This was a sad day for the citizens of New York City, as well as for everyone in the United States of America, and the tragedy touched people from countries all over the world. new_york_new_york

Also on September 11, 2001, a part of the Pentagon, headquarters of the U. S. Department of Defense, was badly damaged when an airplane flew into it . . . . And, an airplane crashed into a field south of Pittsburgh in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, which also resulted in the loss of lives.  This was a sad day for the United States of America and for countries all over the world! washington_d_c.

Photo by Nishkid64-Wikimedia Commons

New York City, Washington, D. C.
and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Today, especially, in memory and in honor of our heroes, we celebrate them.

About If you were here,

Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children can be sent as you would send any travel postcard, but there is more when you play the game . . . . Heckery Dekkery Dot Travel Game Postcards for Children is a unique travel game which enables all players to learn more about the world around them, but it is first and foremost a children's learning game in which children not only become acquainted with other parts of the world, but also gain respect for other cultures in a fun and easygoing, carefree manner. It is Heckery Dekkery Dot's goal to help children learn about the city featured on the travel game postcard and the people who live there by providing them with an educational as well as a fun website. All photos on this blog were taken by me on my travels unless otherwise indicated.
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